Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Mission School of Ministry accredited?
As an educational initiative of a 501(c)3, the MSM cannot be accredited on its own. Instead, we are partnered with Richmont Graduate University, an accredited graduate university. This arrangement allows students to pursue an accredited graduate degree through the MSM’s program.
How much does the MSM cost?
Total tuition costs vary based on the particular academic track students are pursuing. Details on these tracks, including their tuition rates, can be found under Programs > Program Details.
But the bottom-line is that the MSM is intentionally very affordable. Students can complete the accredited graduate program for less than $12,000 total in tuition over two years.
How do I apply?
The Apply Now link on our homepage will take you to the Online Application Form.
What are the steps of the application process?
This depends on the academic track chosen, as the more involved tracks require more application materials.
To apply to the Christian Studies Track:
Fill out and submit the Online Application Form.
If you haven’t already met with the MSM’s Dean, they will reach out to schedule a meeting; this in-person connection matters a great deal for determining if the MSM is a good fit for you and your educational goals
Based on your application materials, the MSM Council (made up largely of alumni) makes a recommendation to the Dean, and the Dean the final decision on acceptance to the program.
To apply to the Christian Leadership Track:
As above for the Christian Studies Track, but students applying for the Christian Leadership Track must also apply to Richmont Graduate University to participate in the partnered program.
Richmont’s application process is detailed on this webpage. Their online application form can be found at this webpage. Note that the $50 application fee is waived for MSM students.
To apply to the Anglican Ministry Track:
As above for the Christian Leadership Track, but students applying for the Anglican Ministry track must also complete a supplemental page as part of their MSM application process. This additional page of application info asks you to specify which areas of applied ministry you would be most interested in. This aids in placing you in an appropriate ministry practicum should you be accepted to the program.
What have your graduates done with their MSM education?
The MSM is very proud of the wide-ranging impacts of their graduates. Please see our Alumni page for details!