Alumni of the Mission School of Ministry
Ethan Spivey
Ethan was part of the first class of students to study at the Mission School of Ministry. He finished the completion of the Ordination Track in the summer of 2016 and became an ordained Deacon in the Anglican Church of North America in 2017. He pastored at the Mission Red Bank Parish as he was going through the MSM. A year later, he was ordained a Priest in 2018. Currently, he is on a sabbatical, as he discerns the next steps in his priestly calling, and also serves as a Prayer Intercessor for the Maclellan Foundation in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Ethan enjoys studying Cruciform/Trinitarian theology and Contemplative prayer practices. In the near future, he will pursue academic certification as a Spiritual Director. When he’s not working, he loves spending time with his wife, Lizzie, and 1-year-old son, Eamon. You can contact Fr. Ethan at
Katrina Payne
Joining staff at the Mission Chattanooga in 2013, Katrina has served at the Mission in many roles including the Director of City Ministries, Assistant Director of University Ministries, Service Coordinator, Mission Administrator and Pastoral Apprentice. Currently, she serves at Evensong on Sunday evenings as a Deacon and as the assistant to the Canon for Church Planting throughout the week. Katrina is passionate about mercy ministries and serving those with visible needs. Her favorite part of her day is her morning walk with her husband Johnny and son Ezra.
Angie Sorensen
Angie currently serves as the Parish Chaplain of the Mission Chattanooga and primarily serves at Morningsong. She has been doing para-church and church ministry for over 21 years. Angie received post-graduate training as a graduate of the Chattanooga Association for Clinical Pastoral Care (CACPC) and her masters degree from the Mission School of Ministry in August 2018. Angie is passionate about facilitating women’s groups, providing pastoral care and divorce care, teaching about the Enneagram and hosting parties. She is married to Abbot Chris Sorenson and they have two children, Wilson and Elijah.
Courtney Allen
Courtney Allen is the Children’s Pastor at the City Center Chapel of the Mission Chattanooga. She completed her bachelor’s degree in Finance at Lee University before continuing into graduate studies at the Mission School of Ministry, where she completed the Lay Leadership track. Courtney has worked in various youth and children’s ministries for 9 years. Her primary focus is assisting parents with spiritual formation in their households and ensuring that every child at the Mission grows in their understanding and experience of the love of God. She is passionate about making liturgy and worship come alive for children in a powerful way.
Tiffanie Wilson
Tiffanie graduated in 2017 from the MSM and in 2019 from Richmont with a M.A. in Spiritual Formation and Direction. She is married to Joey Wilson; and Mama to Sephia, Marly, and Finn Wilson. She is a Spiritual Director at the Christian Counselor Co-op.
Micah Macaulay
Micah graduated in the summer of 2019 after three years at MSM. She is wife to Matthew and mother to Eliana and they live in a house called “Dove Cottage.” She serves the Union Chattanooga alongside Matthew in leading a citywide initiative of collaboration among worship leaders, creatives, songwriters and musicians. Her intention for entering the MSM was to continue to be challenged to think better and bigger thoughts of God, and for that to form her life and leadership. “The ultimate goal of theology isn’t knowledge, but worship… We learn only that we might laud…” (Sam Storms)
Payton Cody
Payton graduated from the MSM in August of 2019 after two years of immensely rewarding work. She currently serves in a part-time pastoral role at the Mission Cleveland Parish, focusing primarily on helping individuals assimilate and connect within the parish while also doing some administrative and spiritual formation work. Payton plans to begin the ordination process to become a deacon very soon. She lives in Cleveland with my husband Trae and their two kiddos, Ivie and Crosby.
Satoya Foster
Satoya Foster graduated in 2019 with the Mission School of Ministry (MSM) cohort in partnership with Richmond Graduate School. For her capstone project in the MSM, she created a curriculum for doing trauma-informed ministry, which she is continuing to completion post-graduate school. Satoya is currently the worship leader at the Mission Chattanooga for the Lauds, Morningsong, and Evensong services.
Jonathon Wurth
Jonathon graduated from the MSM in the summer of 2019. He serves as a case manager with the Chattanooga Housing Authority where he helps seniors live independently. He volunteers as a service coordinator and as an assistant youth minister at the Mission Chattanooga. In his free time, Jonathon fancies himself a cartoonist. He, his talented, beautiful wife, and his strong, smart, and beautiful daughters live in Chattanooga.