The MSM Course Sequence
The MSM offers the following 4-course sequence during odd years (2021, 2023, 2025, etc.)
Biblical Hermeneutics I – Old Testament
Biblical Hermeneutics II – New Testament
History & Theology I – Ancient to Medieval
History & Theology II – Reformation to Present
Cultural Engagement – Religion & Ideology
If students so choose, they can enroll in coursework through Richmont Graduate University during the even years (2020, 2022, 2024, etc.). During those years, the coursework offered through Richmont involves the following major courses:
Anglican History & Identity
Formation through Spiritual Disciplines and Rule of Life
Ministries of the Church: Liturgy, Sacraments, Worship
Pastoral Care
Missional Theology
Essentials of Spiritual Formation
Application of Spiritual Formation
Mentored Growth I & II
Final Project
Interested students can contact the MSM’s Dean (Sam Youngs) for further information on enrollment, pricing, scheduling, etc.